Kishu Odori Bundara Bushi

紀州おどり ぶんだら節

Photo Gallery

  • Kishu Odori Bundara Bushi  is on the first Saturday of Augustの写真
    Kishu Odori Bundara Bushi is on the first Saturday of August
  • Kishu Odori Bundara Bushi is a traditional danceの写真
    Kishu Odori Bundara Bushi is a traditional dance
  • Kishu Odori Bundara Bushi began in 1969の写真
    Kishu Odori Bundara Bushi began in 1969
  • More than 100,000 people visit each yearの写真
    More than 100,000 people visit each year
  • Bundara Bushi imagined Kinokuniya Bunzaemon embarking on the sea and was named
    Bundara Bushi imagined Kinokuniya Bunzaemon embarking on the sea and was named " Bundara "

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